want to support us?

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Bri and Abbey were sitting at a bar sharing a bottle of wine on a Friday afternoon talking about the podcast. Abbey wouldn't stop talking about how she supports her favorite Harry Potter podcast and hopes to one day co-host. Bri and Abbey then had the brilliant idea to offer their Grey's loving community the opportunity to support them - and in turn - reaping the benefits of being a patron.

So what is Patreon? It's an awesome platform where you can give as little as 2$ a month to your favorite content creators and in turn receive things like bonus episodes, monthly zoom hangouts, private Facebook groups and even monthly giveaways!

So now you're probably wondering if you should give money to these two beautiful blondes who have invested so much of their time to their fictional friends at Seattle Grace Hospital. The answer is obviously yes. We promise to provide you with weekly laughs, unqualified therapy and the perfect way to escape from your mundane lives (jk jk we love you).

But really - your money goes towards better and more quality audio sounds, microphones, hosting fees, and continuing to put out weekly content.

So gather your credit cards, pour yourself a glass of wine and head on over to our Patreon page and join the community.